The Chapel Choir with members of the Nova Scotia Mass Choir, after Convocation at the Black Cultural Centre, Cherry Brook, NS. February 2024.

Chapel Music LIst

The Chapel Choir is currently on summer hiatus. Choral services begin again in September 2024.

The repertoire to be sung by the Chapel Choir during the Winter Semester 2024 is listed here:

Chapel Choir Music List (Updated April 2, 2024)

Holy Week service times are shown in the music list above.

Our normal weekly singing schedule is:

  • Wednesdays - Choral Evensong at 5pm

  • Thursdays - Sung Eucharist at 5pm

Days and times may be adjusted according to the liturgical or university calendar.
Service dates and times are listed in the music list.

Every effort is made to perform the music as listed.
In unexpected circumstances, including illness, some substitutions may be necessary.
The list will be updated and reposted monthly.

The Chapel Choir, December 2022.